Saturday, August 31, 2019

Triple Bottom Line Approach

Green companies save money and help the planet with a triple bottom line approach Conventional wisdom says that organizations must choose between economic prosperity or environmental protection. Many business, however, are discovering that this is an outdated myth and there is no need to choose between one or the other. Energy efficiency projects that reduce utility costs, recycling initiatives that minimize waste disposal fees, and elimination of wasteful practices that consume auteur resources are all win-win scenarios that save money and reduce the impact on the planet at the same time.When these initiatives are carried out in a fair and just manner towards employees or contractors, then a win-win-win scenario is achieved. This approach of increasing profitability and improving the environment, while serving the community well through fair employment practices, is known as the â€Å"triple bottom line† and is the core component for sustainability programs, sometimes referre d to as corporate social responsibility (CARS). The benefits of a triple bottom line approach to business are numerous.Many companies find that looking at their operations â€Å"through a sustainability lens† helps them identify opportunities that they were previously unaware of. Cost savings opportunities are identified that help drive waste out of organizations, reducing their environmental Impact. The benefits go beyond the obvious financial and environmental gains, however. Sustainability programs give companies an opportunity to distinguish themselves from their competitors.Studies show that employees want to work for socially responsible companies, so an effective sustainability program will aid In the recruiting of new hires. Proactively reducing harmful environmental practices can also potentially reduce liability and can keep organizations one step ahead of future regulatory changes that may restrict, or even outright ban, practices that are currently allowed. Future columns will provide many real-world examples of triple bottom line Initiatives that any company can Implement.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Tsunami in Japan

The massive wave of water, as high as 10 metres in some parts, reached more than five kilometres inland. The meteorological agency issued its top-level evacuation alerts for the entire Japanese coast amid warnings of a tsunami of between six and 10 metres. Towns and farms around Sendai city in northern Japan have been engulfed by a seven-metre tsunami, while a four-metre wave swamped parts of Kamaishi on the Pacific coast. Residents have been ordered to high ground and stay away from the coast as tsunamis can strike in several waves. Seismologists say the quake was 160 times more powerful than the one that devastated Christchurch last month. Japanese television has shown pictures of a wall of water kilometres wide moving its way across the countryside, engulfing everything in its path. The Cosmo oil refinery in Chiba prefecture outside Tokyo has exploded, sending flames dozens of metres into the air, with firefighters unable to contain the inferno. It is one of more than 40 blazes burning across Japan. â€Å"An earthquake of this size has the potential to generate a destructive tsunami that can strike coastlines near the epicentre within minutes and more distant coastlines within hours,† the agency said. A tsunami warning has been issued across the wider Pacific including Russia, the territories of Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Micronesia and Hawaii. Russia has evacuated 11,000 people from areas that could be affected, including Kuril islands and Sakhalin island. Hawaii has also ordered evacuations. The Bureau of Meteorology says there is no tsunami threat to Australia. The quake, already considered one of the worst in Japan's history, struck about 382 kilometres north-east of Tokyo at a depth of 24 kilometres, the US Geological Survey said. The USGS reported at least eight strong aftershocks, including a 6. 8 quake on the mainland 66 kilometres north-east of Tokyo.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Characteristics of Partnership

Partnership is one of the most popular types of enterprise in Vietnam. A partnership is an unincorporated association of two or more individuals to carry on a business for profit. Many small businesses including retail, service, and professional practitioners, are organized as partnerships. Like the other types, partnership contains its own features and characteristics which help to differentiate itself from the others. First of all, in terms of the number of partners, there are no less than two partners who are joint owners of the company and carry out business.In addition to general partner, there may also be limited partners. General partner is required to be individual and will be liable to all obligations of the partnership with his entire property, while limited partner will be liable to debts of the partnership only to the extent of their capital contributed to the partnership. It should be pointed out that there are restrictions on the rights of general partners. General part ner cannot be sole proprietor or general partner of another partnership, unless otherwise agreed by remaining general partners.Besides, general partner is not allowed to act on his own behalf or on behalf of other persons in implementing the same business activities of the partnership for the benefit of himself or other. Also, general partner is not permitted to transfer a part or whole of his capital contribution to others. It is necessary to mention that a partnership will be given legal status from the issuing date of the certificate of business registration and that partnership is not entitled to issue any type of securities. The next characteristic of partnership is limited life.The life of a partnership may be established as a certain number of years by the agreement. If no such agreement is made, the death, inability to carry out specific responsibilities, bankruptcy, or the desire of a partner to withdraw automatically terminates the partnership. Every time a partner withdra ws or is added, a new partnership agreement is required if the business will continue to operate as a partnership. With proper provisions, the partnership's business may continue and the termination or withdrawal of the partnership will be a documentation issue that does not impact ongoing operations of the partnership.Unlimited liability is another feature relating to partnership. This is the prominent feature of partnership that the liability of each partner is not limited to the amount invested but his private property is also liable to pay the business obligations. Partners may be called on to use their personal assets to satisfy partnership debts when the partnership cannot meet its obligations. If one partner does not have sufficient assets to meet his/her share of the partnership's debt, the other partners can be held individually liable by the creditor requiring payment.There must be agreement between the parties concerned. This is the most important characteristics of partn ership. Without agreement partnership cannot be formed. But only competent persons are entitled to make a contract. There are some provisions contained in the partnership agreement. These are determined clearly before the commencement of business. But it differs from business to business. These documents may be written or oral. But it must be written so that disputes may be settled according to the provisions of agreement.Moreover, in terms of capital contribution, it is stated that general partner and limited partner are required to make capital contribution fully and promptly as committed. General partner who does not make capital contribution so fully and promptly that cause losses to the company must compensate for those losses. If a limited partner does not contribute capital fully and promptly as committed, deficiency in the capital contribution will be considered as his/her debt to the company; in this case, such a limited partner may be expelled from the partnership by a dec ision of the partners’ council.By contrast, with a full capital contribution, partners will be granted a certificate of capital contribution. Another characteristic that belongs to partnership is the division of profits or losses. It is not essential that all the partners must share the losses also. There may be a provision in the partnership deed that a particular partner or partners shall not bear losses. The profit is arrived at after providing for salaries to the partners and interest on capital, if agreed and stated in the agreement.That last but not least feature of partnership is about the business management. Firstly, it is specified that all general partners are entitled to act as legal representative of the partnership in carrying out business activities. Any restriction applicable to general partners in relation to conducting day-to-day business activities of the partnership will be effective to the third party if this party is informed. Secondly, general partners will agree on division of their duties in relation to management and running of the company.If a business activity is carried out by several partners, the decision will be adopted on the principle of majority. Additionally, the partnership will not be liable to any activity that is conducted by general partner and outside the scope of business activities of the partnership, unless otherwise agreed by the partners. Thirdly, the partnership can open one or several accounts with a bank. The partners’ council will appoint one partner who is required to deposit and withdraw money from those accounts.Lastly, chairman of the partners’ council, director or general director of the partnership is obligated to: manage and run the day-to-day business operation as a general partner; convene and organize meetings of the partners’ council, sign decisions of the partners’ council; make arrangement of business activities and coordination between partners, sign decisions p romulgating internal rules and other working regulations of the partnership, retain fully and honestly all accounting books, invoices and other documents in pursuant to the laws, act on behalf of the partnership in working with state authority, play the part as a plaintiff or defendant in lawsuits or other commercial disputes as well as other duties as stipulate in the company charter.

Zero Tolerance and Public Shaming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zero Tolerance and Public Shaming - Essay Example However, public shaming, especially for crimes by the powerful who are public office bearers such as Members of Parliament, can be very effective in reducing crime or any other related bad practice since they ought to be accountable to the members of the public which they will be representing. Statistics show that about 14 percent of the Australian economy is a shadow economy that involves multiple criminal offences meant to evade the payment of company tax, payroll tax as well as personal income tax and it stands to reason that zero tolerance, in this case, will condemn about 14 percent of the Australian population to the prison which would be counterproductive to the economy of the nation as a whole. At least less tough measures would be advocated in such crimes of this magnitude which aim to generate preventive measures to such kind of problems. Zero tolerance will create a population of rule following people who always fear prosecution instead of allowing them to think systematically as team players with regards to problem prevention. In cases of organized crime such as genocide, zero tolerance would only punish minnows while the big sharks can get off the hook with impunity. It can be noted that zero tolerance to crime either by the powerless or the powerful is not a very effective remedy that can totally put an end to criminal activities. To a certain extent, public naming and shaming are stigmatizing especially if it involves juveniles who are underage. By shaming these in the public, they would end up feeling alienated from their respective communities and would even behave as criminals as a result of the labeling perspective attached to them. With regards to public office holders, public but respectful naming and shaming can be effective in attempting to make these officials accountable to the people they serve. Powerful office bearers often employ the services of public relations experts to counter any negative story about their official conduct.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Choose and discuss two images of Jesus from the New Testament. What is Essay

Choose and discuss two images of Jesus from the New Testament. What is their relevance today - Essay Example From the dictionary definition a shepherd is someone who looks after the herd of sheep by guarding and tending them. A shepherd is someone tasked to lead the herd of sheep in the safest and abundant place. It is necessary for the herd of sheep to be tended in the green pasture with a fresh source of water flowing in abundance. In this way, the herd of sheep will survive and they are given all the essentials they need. The psalm of David in chapter 23 describes God as shepherd full of righteousness. God is revealed by David as a good Shepherd, and since Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:16), it is implied that the Son and the Father have the same characteristics and they are working together for one common good and that is salvation of the humanity from eternal condemnation (Matthew 1: 18-21). In John 10:14, Jesus said he is a good shepherd and part of being such is to know his people and his people to him. He sacrificed his life for the humanity to bring salvation to all. Jesus has great compassion for the people of God. Such compassion can be clearly defined by the great love Jesus is willing to give for the humanity. He gave up his life for the humanity and such is the great manifestation of his universal and unconditional love. The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd depicts the meaning of a good servant and a leader. Being a good servant or a leader therefore requires following Jesus as far as biblical principles are deemed important. In fact, being a Christian means following Jesus whatever the cost may be. A Christian minister can be considered a shepherd because of the responsibility to care for and guide a group of people in the ministry. Jesus as the Good Shepherd is therefore a remarkable model of every Christian minister who is responsible to lead the beloved people of God. The herd of sheep is the people of God who need spiritual leader to give them guidance, protection and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Teenagers' cool culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Teenagers' cool culture - Essay Example Rushkoff describes in vivid detail this loop, as the media studies the kids in order to acquire popular images and then sells them the images of themselves. The youth and teens are instantly drawn to these images thereby desiring them. Following this replication, the media observes the interaction among the adolescents and then create new images to fit with the latest trend, and so on. The important question here is the authenticity of the images of the prevalent teen culture ardently pursued by the youth, which is shaped by the advertisement conglomerates, whose sole purpose is the sale and profits of their businesses, regardless of the protection and protection of the true teen American culture and identity. The ‘cool’ youth culture is actually known to have been initiated in the 1980s when parents began to spend more and more on the needs and desires of their children, as a result of the onset of the nuclear family systems coupled with the double income from both working parents. This also happens to be the period when conglomerates began their cold wars with each other in order to hook the teens into buying their brands and maintain loyalty towards their brands. Marketing and selling acquired a major role in the process, where marketing companies began to hire spies, to inculcate the ‘cool’ teen behavior into their advertisements, in order to lure the youth into buying their products. The impressionable adolescents were obviously drawn towards these images of themselves like a pierced nose or eyebrow, or cuffed leg or sleeve. The cycle of pursuit of ‘cool hunting’ was a vicious and never-ending one because the moment a ‘cool’ behavio r was identified and adopted it ceased to be â€Å"cool†! The intelligent kids obviously became aware of this cycle and the 1990s saw an absolutely new defensive to this mechanism, a rebellious defensive by the youth culture. The smart teens refused to accept or adopt anything that was publicized as

Monday, August 26, 2019

Profile Toxicology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Profile Toxicology - Term Paper Example Pb (23.5-27%), 207 Pb (20.5-23%) and 204 Pb (1.35-1.5 %).These isotopes are the stable decay product of three naturally radioactive elements : 206 Pb from Uranium, 207 Pb from actinium and 208Pb from thorium(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), 2005) . Lead rarely exists as a metal, but rather, in combination with two or more elements to form Pd compounds. The element has three oxidation states (0 or the metal state, +2 and +4), the most common oxidative state being +2. Lead generally exhibits has amphoteric properties; +2 (basic) and +4 (acidic) (APHA, 1999). Lead is an element that naturally occurs in the earth’s crust. Ore deposits of Pb include galena (PBS), anglesite (PbSO4) and cerussite (PbCO3). Anthropogenic sources of Pb in the environment , include : homes (household dust, peeling of lead-based paints, toys, furniture, table ware etc.), contaminated food (food grown in Pb-contaminated soil or sprayed with Pb insecticides), soils and dust (flaking or weathering paint, improper renovation and disposal of building materials, roadside - contamination from leaded gasoline, settled dust from industrial sources), water (leaded pipes or connectors and lead- lined tanks), and air (industrial emissions from smelters, incinerators, manufacturing operations, recycling efforts, and leaded gasoline) (Davies, 1995). Historically, Pb was widely used in plumbing, as anti-knock agent in petrol, and as an addictive in paints. However, these uses have recently reduced due to environmental concerns about cumulative lead poisoning. Presently, Pb is used in storage batteries , paints, pigments and colored inks as shielding from radiation, e.g., in x-ray rooms and nuclear reactors. Lead is also used as cable covering, as ammunition, as electrodes, in solder and roofing material.(Martiez , Nagae , Zaia , & Zaia 2004). The fate and behavior of Pb in the environment is quite complex because of the many compounds of Pb and that can be found and the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critical Review of "Aggression among young adults in the social Article

Critical Review of "Aggression among young adults in the social context of the bar" by Kathryn Graham and Samantha Wells - Article Example Though a number of studies were directed to examining the connection between aggressive behaviour and intoxication little or now research were conducted in the specific places for alcohol consumption. Therefore, the authors supposed that social context of the bar has certain effects on the participants of the aggression. First the authors outline the previous research done in this sphere. And it turns out that the previous research conducted in this sphere aimed to study the following notions in the context of aggression in bars: the average number of the participants as well as the characteristics, cross-cultural differences as well as environmental factors that contribute to the aggressive behavior. The triggers of aggressive behaviour in bars were also the object of attention of different studies. The very nature of the aggression in social context of the specific environment such as a bar was the least examined phenomenon that is why Graham and Welis directed their attention to it primarily. They hypothesized that the specific environment as well the context of the incident contributed to the appearance of aggressiveness among individuals to a certain extent. The authors aimed to find out how the behaviour of all participants involved into the aggressive episode influences its course and what as pects of social interaction define the aggressive incident. Moreover, the authors aimed to outline the general course of events development during aggressive incidents: general number of participants involved, levels of aggression and intoxication of participants, the environment that influenced the incident directly and indirectly. The chosen methods of research allowed authors to define the context of the aggressive incidents and compare it to the context defined by previous research in this sphere. As the methods of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast United States and Japan's Domestic and Essay

Compare and Contrast United States and Japan's Domestic and International Market - Essay Example United States of America is the largest export partner of Japan, where as Japan is the third or forth largest trade partner of the United States depending on the criteria, if the member states of European Union, which are trade partners with the United States, are considered to be the members of one entity or more. The correlation between these two countries in their global as well domestic front has been discussed here under: DOMESTIC MARKETS: The domestic marketing policy of the United States focuses more on the businesses; it focuses on the sectors that every business covers, where as the domestic market policies of Japan focuses on the technology and innovation that can be utilized for the better product development through out the businesses. Japanese system of employment believes in sharing the benefits gained by the employees thus motivating them for better and innovative performance. Whereas, American system more likely focuses on fixed wage system and abrupt termination at w ill, incase of the conduct leading to a loss to the company, such approach proves to be very anti-innovative. In stable domestic markets American style will be beneficial both for the companies and the economies but when it comes to highly volatile and dynamic environment, the Japanese employment system should be preferred. That’s why it is said that the success that Japan enjoys is because of the way it compensates its employees (Dennis et al 1991). These differences lead to divergences in the labor market structure of both the countries as well. After the stock market crash in 1990, Japan suffered a set back in its economy, which took ten years for it to eventually recover, in 2004. After that Japan’s domestic marketing strategy focused on the research and development of the new technology that would be promoted in the public sector, so that all the businesses can prosper. This approach led for the recognition of its innovative techniques in all over the world. As fa r as the comparison for the domestic markets is concerned, United States excels in the traditional research where as Japan has a more innovative advantage over the global market. As compared to the American products, Japanese products and processes, which include semiconductors, automobiles, transistors, optical fibers, high end DVD & multimedia recorders and manufacturing systems, are more innovative and are highly demanded. Manufacturing has been the most substantial element of Japan’s economy since the World War II. Though the monetary value of United State’s manufacturing export is normally way more than Japan’s, but the proportion of the manufacturing export out of the total export is generally much lower than that of Japan. America has been focusing on its automobiles’ industries. After the stock market crashed, it bought the shares of most of the Japanese automobiles companies, which was a proof in itself that Japan had the higher end of technology in that field. Japan’s major exports still comprises of automobiles’ parts. According to an Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Japan holds the second position in the manufacturing sector after The United States of America. Japan had almost 470,000 manufacturing companies which was even more than that of United States (above 350,000). The United States of America’s domestic markets are a very complex paradigm, but

Friday, August 23, 2019

Literature Review - Marketing of luxury cars depending on affinity

- Marketing of luxury cars depending on affinity groups in America and The Middle East - Literature review Example In order to analyze the learning style, four vital tests have been used which are Myers-Briggs test, Belbin test, Honey & Mumford test and VARK analysis. From the analysis of Myers-Briggs test I have found that I possess the ENFJ learning style. The results of Belbin test depict that in team environment I act as plant, resource investigator and shaper. On the other hand, the Honey & Mumford test depict that I am activist and pragmatist learner. Finally outcome, of VARK analysis suggest that I prefer visual and kinaesthetic learning style. The assignment also describes about the transferrable skill I possess and how these skills can be used in my career. The discussion in Part B of the assignment elaborates on the current market trends witnessed in relation to the luxury car market around the world. Contextually, it argues that despite the rise in the demand of luxury cars across the globe, the American car market has witnessed significant fall in the production of luxury cars. Additionally, America is considered to be the home of diverse culture, owing to which, the luxury car market in the nation can be observed as significantly influenced by the Hispanic population. Hence, marketers of luxury cars have currently been involved in attracting reasonable Hispanic population towards their respective luxury car brands. On the other hand, luxury car markets in the Middle East have been flourishing at much greater speed due to the rise in the level of disposable income as well as due to the improvements in the roadway transportation facilities. The findings obtained through this study further reveals in this regard that the marketing str ategy related with luxury cars in America and the Middle East in years to come is quite likely to be strongly influenced by the affinity factor. Simultaneously, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) may also positively influence the marketing strategies of the luxury cars

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Canadian Chocolate Bar Market Essay Example for Free

Canadian Chocolate Bar Market Essay •Increase in cost for manufacturing such as packaging or ingredients. Chocolate bars are thought of as impulse buys, which means they require no thought. This is due to how inexpensive they are. However, if an ingredient such as sugar was to rise drastically, so will the cost of the chocolate bar therefore changing the buyers perspective on the product class. Social, Demographic Trends: •Although chocolate bars are thought to have been more enjoyed by a younger consumer, crispy crunch has always focused towards older demographics. This is shown through their mature packaging commercials. Healthier Living: •Consumers are now watching what they eat, and want to avoid products that contain ingredients that have become deemed as fattening. Technology: •Internet advertising is at an all time high, and consumers are attracted to products that they can get more information on over the Internet. Also, buzz promotion can be created efficiently via Internet. Political: •French/English Packaging •In Canada it is illegal not to have both English and French writing on the packaging. Ingredients: •All ingredients must be labeled on the packaging. Market Analysis Total Canadian Size and growth: •From 1996 to 2000, the chocolate market enjoyed a total growth rate of 19.1% with retail sales in 2000 producing a whopping $13.7 billion. Competitive Analysis Market Trends: •Hershey Canada is one the largest competitors in the chocolate bar market. Hershey brands have a strong market value and a long history dating back to 1903. Hershey Canada owned three of the top five chocolate bars sold in 2000 to 2001. Hersheys three principle brands held fifteen percent of the Canadian market share. Hersheys brands, Reese Brand, and Hershey Milk Chocolate gained 0.9 percent market share in 2000-2001. Hershey brand Oh Henry lost 0.3 percent market share but still holds the number four spot in market share value. Hershey Canada has strong brand recognition, and loyalty. •Nestle Canadas three principle brands, Kit Kat, Coffee Crisp, and Smarties represented 13.4 percent of the Canadian market in 2000-2001. Nestle has a considerable market share and strong brand insistence however only one brand gained market value. Kit Kat, Nestle principal brand gained four points surpassing Cadburys Caramilk. Kit Kat now represents the second largest piece of the market at 5.4 percent. Coffee Crisp was stalemate at 4.2 percent of market share. Nestle Smarties lost 0.3 percent of market value now ranked ninth out of the top ten chocolate bars in the Canadian market, leaving only Effems Mars behind it. •Effem Foods has two brands ranked in the top ten chocolate bars in the Canadian market, Mars and MMs. Effems two principle brands represents 8.2 percent market share. Effems Mars and MMs both lost an accumulated 0.9 percent of market share in 2000-2001. Market Analysis: •Hershey Canada, Reese Brand, represented 6.3 percent of the Canadian chocolate bar market share in 2001. Reese brand targeted young children the ads have a youthful orientation and show kids having fun eating the bar(Crunch, Crispy Case). Reese Brand was creating strong brand insistence by penetrating younger consumers. Reese used point-of-purchase materials to attract the impulse consumer. Reese also employed the leadership positioning strategy; Reese showed their product as a preferred choice among children. Hershey Milk Chocolate and Oh Henry both have a strong brand loyalty due to their insistent customer base that had been developed over years. •Nestle Canada, was a leader in the Canadian Chocolate bar market due to strong market penetration and position on the market. Nestle Smarties used the image positioning strategy. Nestle used image positioning to differentiate Smarties from Effems MMs. Nestle claimed to have a larger assortment of colours. Smarties used humour appeal to attract customers to save the red Smarties until last. Kit Kat was Nestles leader in market share representing 5.4 percent. Kit Kats target market was early twenties to late thirties. Kit Kat applied the lifestyle position strategy on the market. Give me a break of that Kit Kat Bar this slogan was used by Nestle to imply that a Kit Kat bar would be the best chocolate bar to enjoy while on a break. •Effen Foods brands Mars, and MMs both had a large market share and strong Brand loyalty in 2000-2001. MMs used Head-on positioning to penetrate and differentiate themselves from the market. They melt in your mouth, not in your hand that slogan was a direct blow to Smarties. Effen is implying that the quality of their product is better than the competitors. Target Market Analysis Demographic profile: •Age: 15-24 Gender: males, females Education: High school, College, University Occupation: Part-time, or new career opportunity Household: either living with parents, or living with a spouse Geographic profile: •Urban location of customers, allowing the customers to more easily access the product. •Packaged in English and French writing. Psychographic profile: •Activities: Going out with friends, girlfriends. Playing sports, videogames, watching movies. •Interests: Doing well in school, finding job/career opportunities for future, having fun enjoying time with friends/family. •Opinions: Would like a clean, safe environment. Consumer behavior profile: •Personality: Ideal Self Consumers as they see how they would like to be. It is what they aspire to. •Attitudes: More liberal minded consumers, show more of a selective exposure. Product Analysis Sales Volume Trends: •Between 1989 and 1990, it jumped seven places to become the number one brand in the nation. •More recently however, the Crispy Crunch Brand has fallen off the top ten chocolate bar brands to 12th place. Market Share Trends: •Old established brands continue to lead the pack in popularity; brands like Kit Kat, Oh Henry, Coffee Crisp and Smarties all date back to the 1950s and 1960s. •Reese Brand holds 6.3% of the market share, up from a year ago Current Channels of Distribution: •All the leading brands are available in the same locations: •Convenience stores •Drug stores •Grocery outlets •Vending machines •Discount stores •Marketing Communications (Historic) •The success from the early 90s was attributed to an advertising campaign •Targeted a slightly older audience of older teenagers and young adults in their early twenties rather then youth under the age of 16. •The strategy worked very well and there were several ads in the campaign. S.W.O.T Analysis Brand Strengths: (Internal) •Crispy Crunch contains a combination of chocolate and peanut brittle that offers a unique taste to consumers that other chocolate bars do not offer. Also with the image of being to good to share Crispy Crunch still has the potential to make its mark into top 10 Canadian brands by pushing the product into more advertising to make consumers more aware of its presence in the market. Weaknesses: (Internal) •Although Crispy Crunch has had a successful campaign for a period of time, other brands that Cadbury have released like Caramilk have been a little more dominant in the market. It is possible that maybe Cadbury did not pay enough attention toward the Crispy Crunch campaign, which may result in the reason for its fall behind in the overall market. Opportunities: (External). •Cadbury can use many forms of advertising their product these days as long as the presentation is executed properly. For instance, the Crispy Crunch brand has been known to add sexual situations in order to promote their product towards 15-25 year old people. If the campaign goes about with the same image or chooses to take a diverse approach to the market to recreate the image of the brand, window is still open for opportunity which either choice. Threats: (External). •Cadbury must be able to create or revise a marketing mix that would keep a strong stand in the market against the big competition from Nestle and Hershey who both have very successful campaigns for their chocolate products. Positioning Statement. • A Crispy Crunch Bar contains the grouping of chocolate and peanut brittle that offers distinctive and delectable flavor. Eat your Crisply crunch bar before somebody eats it for you! the only thing that tastes better than my Crispy Crunch, is someone elses Crispy Crunch. Target Market Definition. •Males and females 15-24 years old, who are currently working and make time for going out with friends and family. They are infrequent users because they are health conscious and may be into another brand.

Robert Rauschenberg Essay Example for Free

Robert Rauschenberg Essay â€Å"Estate† by Robert Rauschenberg is by far the most interesting piece of art work seen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Robert Rauschenberg is a well-known Abstract Expressionist of the modern art period. Robert Rauschenberg is most famous for his Combines of the 1950s, in which he uses non-traditional materials and objects in combinations. While the Combines are both painting and sculpture, Rauschenberg has also worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking, and performance. Robert Rauschenberg’s â€Å"Estate† is both abstract and expressionism. He uses abstract shapes and color patches in his work. There is a lot of use of warm colors such a red, orange and yellow in which gives one a hot and vibrant feel. The powerful colors capture vivid emotional reactions. The gesture lines allow one to see Robert’s arm at work. Repetition is used with the quick fluid strokes along with bold strokes that he uses on the canvas. The diagonal lines give a feel of explosive energy to the art work. There is an asymmetrical balance in the work because the weight counter balances each other. There is more going on towards the right side, than the left which gives the art work an asymmetrical look. Although Rauschenberg uses recognizable images he makes them his own by titling and turning the images sideways to give them a different effect. The materials used to create this artwork include oil, silk screened ink along with photo screen. (MSN) The oil allowed Rauschenberg to blend the colors directly on the canvas. He also piled up the oil thickly giving it a ruff textured look. The oil also allows the painting to have shadows. Photo screen is used with familiar images such as the statue of liberty along with Michelangelo’s â€Å"Last Judgment. † â€Å"Rauschenberg would screen in art reproductions, images from newspapers, and anonymous photographs of city scenes. †(Art Culture) The photo screening gives the art work individuality. This art work was actually inspired by trash, Robert Rauschenberg use to walk around the block collecting things that he found interesting. He states, â€Å"I wanted something other than what I could make myself and I wanted to use the surprise and the collectiveness and the generosity of finding surprises. † (Art Info) Therefore, the art was meant for viewers to be surprised, and curious. It is meant to be a world of surprises, and open up people’s mind to what the streets and the city really is. â€Å"It makes our perception of both street and city changed. † (Art Info) â€Å"Estate† is considered to be apart of the abstract expressionism stylistic movement which was created during the American post WWII movement. This movement rejected traditional European painting styles and emphasized on expressive gestures. It is also apart of the pop art movement which emerged in the mid 1950’s in Britain and spread throughout the United States. It used objects and images from popular, commercial culture. â€Å"Estate† is very unique, and is unlike any of the art work that came before it. Before, the art work was very plain and simple with the use of dull colors. It did not have any expressions or emotions attached. This art work is very modernized with the use of bright, bold colors, photographs and the use of abstract shapes. It developed from past art styles such abstract, surrealism and expressionism; taking a little bit of each stylist movement to create this. It reflects the 21st century culture because it is very â€Å"busy. † The art work has many things going on which reflects how Americans are in the 21st century; we are all extremely busy in our lives. I consider â€Å"Estate† to be a valid work of art, I believe that is very creative and brings out a lot of emotion from the artist. I think it is a beautiful piece of art work that is one of a kind.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Disaster: The Nepal Earthquake

Disaster: The Nepal Earthquake Major Event: Disaster The Nepal Earthquake ; Figure 1: Mounting damage Presented by: Steven Eu Su Shian   PLAN INTRODUCTION A tragedy happened two years ago on April 25th, 2015 in an Asian country called Nepal. It also; known; as The Nepal Earthquake. It caused a lot of difficulties to the Nepalese citizens and also it drew a lot of attention from the people around the world. The purpose of this report is to provide; information about The Nepal Earthquake. This report will pay particular attention to the effects after Nepal Earthquake happened, the economic impact and also the effects on the Nepalese citizens. METHODOLOGY The information for this report were all found from the Internet. Besides, there will be some recommendations in the concluding part. MAIN POINTS A) The effects after the earthquake happened After the earthquake happened, Revd Lewis Lew described that the effects of the tremendous 7.9 magnitude that happened in the 80 km far in northwest of the capital city, Kathmandu and the after-effect after an hour were shocking. Besides, according to the National Emergency Operation Centre, at the minimum 3617 people were killed by the earthquake, and also above 6500 people were injured during the earthquake. On the other hand, more than hundreds people from the neighbouring countries such as China, India and Bangladesh were also killed by the earthquake. Moreover, huge damage to the assets and the substructures such as banks has been reported in Kathmandu and the distant villages, access to which has been split by the mudslides. Furthermore, according to Dean Revd Lewis Lew, plenty of buildings collapsed, particularly those in old Kathmandu City. And also, a lot of survivors were in bad shape, they were all waiting for the medical treatment. ; Figure 2: Hospitals in the street B) The economic impact The early evaluations of the economic impact caused by The Nepal Earthquake were astonishing. The total of the economic impact in Nepal is evaluated to be above $10 billion USD, which is also 50 percent of the countrys gross domestic product-GDP (, according to the Nepalese government. Next, the Nepalese government could also spend as much as 5 billion USD or even more than that as the budget for the different kind of infrastructures such as houses, highways or bridges. On the other hand, the damages and destruction of the apartment buildings and houses caused by the earthquake has had a serious impact. The rentals, housing price and the land price could possibly affected by; the earthquake . For the examples the house prices might increase, and also the rental distension could also happen in Nepal. It might also increase the burden of the citizens in the future. C) The effects on the citizens After the tremendous earthquake that happened on April 25th, 2015 in Nepal, according to the United Nations (, eight million Nepalese citizens were affected, which was more than 25 percent of the countrys population. Besides, eight million people from 39 different areas were affected, and the major problems were lack of food, water and electricity supplies. Furthermore, according to an American doctor Rebecca McAteer ( majority of houses were destroyed. Not only that but also most of the citizens were being displaced and the young people had to leave to find the work. Moreover, the camps were also set up on a park, with the rubbish around such as paper plates, packages, and plastic glasses. One of the men who was living there with his spouse and his four children said that they were not going home even though they were still able to live in their house. He explained the reason why they refused to live in their house was because of they have heard the stories about more earthquake and after-effects. In addition, the hospitals were also not able to handle the massive numbers of the citizens who were in need of the medical treatment. And this caused some of them started to complain on the medical service. ; Figure 3: Cremating victims CONCLUSION In conclusion, it would be useful if we could know more about the Nepal Earthquake that happened on 25th, 2015. As the report mentioned earlier, Nepal Earthquake has caused a lot of troubles and difficulties to the Nepalese citizens. For example it caused massive numbers of death, food, water and electricity supplies shortage, economic impact and also the displaced problems. From the information, perhaps the Nepalese government can begin to implement some methods to prevent the next potential earthquake .For instance the government can organise a conference about an earthquake such as what should the citizens do during the earthquake, or government can also begin to plan a better evacuation plan for the citizens so that the government and the citizens can be well prepared for the next earthquake and minimize the effection after an earthquake. Bibliography Effect of earthquake devastating report Anglican Deanery of Nepal. Retrieved March 7, 2017. From 2015/04/effects-of-earthquake-devastating-report-anglican-deanery-of-nepal.aspx Karnik,(2015,May). The economic damage from the Nepal earthquake is almost half of the countrys GDP. Retrieved March 7,2017. From Nepal earthquake: Eight million people affected, UN says. Retrieved March 7, 2017. From /world-asia-32492232 Figure 1. Damaged houses. Adapted from: ,20 Pictures reveal Nepals heartbreaking Earthquake devastation, By Nicole Werbeck, and Mallory Benedict, 2015, April 26th, National Geographic, p.1. Copyright 2015 by National Geographic. Figure 2. Survivor after the medical treatment. Adapted from: 20 Pictures reveal Nepals heartbreaking Earthquake devastation, By Nicole Werbeck and Mallory Benedict, 2015, April 26th, National Geographic, p.19. Copyright 2015 by National Geographic. Figure 3. Heartbreaking moment for the victims family. Adapted from: 20 Pictures reveal Nepals heartbreaking Earthquake devastation, By Nicole Werbeck and Mallory Benedict, 2015, April 26th, National Geographic, p.8. Copyright 2015 by National Geographic. Saudi Pak Commercial Bank: Analysis Saudi Pak Commercial Bank: Analysis THE VISION To transform the Bank into a modern, dynamic and premier service oriented institution. THE MISSION â€Å"To turnaround the Bank into a leading commercial bank by ensuring transparency, promoting technology, improving quality of human resource, providing premium services to customers, and adding value for all stakeholders.† Statement Of Ethics And Business Practices: The code of ethics established by Saudi Pak Commercial Bank Limited sets forth the guiding principles through which we operate and conduct our daily business with our shareholders, customers, vendors and with other group companies. These principles also apply to the officers and employees of the Bank Our Customers: We operate as customer oriented Bank and serve our customers with the highest standard of skill and service In dealing with our customers, we comply with legal, statutory and regulatory requirements We ensure transparency in operations. Our Shareholders We strive to maximize the value for our shareholders and minimize the risk of dilution in the value of shareholders through adequate risk management. Our Staff Our staff observes a high standard of integrity and demonstrates befitting conduct and behavior. In performing their duties, our staff shows sense of responsibility and team spirit. Concerted efforts are made to promote congenial corporate culture in the Bank. Credit Operations. We conduct the credit operations under clearly spelt out policies and procedures and review the policies and procedures periodically to suit changing conditions. Our credit operations are transparent and the credit decisions are made with prudence. We keep adequate provisioning against doubtful loans as per State Bank of Pakistan guidelines and ensure that the internal controls are in place and are observed in right earnest. Risk Management: We have designed and placed a proper system to identigy, measure and control the material risks. Social Responsibility: We recognize our wider social responsibility in terms of the contribution we can make to the well being of the communities in which we operate. We do not make donations to or extend any financing to or take any exposure towards any political parties. Maintaining Confidentiality: We attach great importance to safeguarding the confidentiality of data concerning the its customers and other business relationships. We do not disclose information about our customers to third parties without the customers consent unless there is a clear legal or regulatory obligation to do so. CHAPTER # 2 REVIEW OF DIFFERENT DEPARTMENT Car Financing Scheme As all banks are moving towards consumer Banking. Saudi Pak Commercial moves towards consumer Banking through Car Financing Scheme. They start Car financing Scheme in the month of June to Satisfy the needs of the customer. Competitor: As Mirpur (AJK) is the only well flourished industrial city of Azad Kashmir, so there is large variety of Financial Institute and Banks and the changing attitude of banks towards consumer banking is one of the major reason of competition. Some of the major competitors are Bolan Bank Citi Bank PICIC Commercial Bank Faysal Bank Prime Bank MCB HBL Out of these banks major threat was from HBL, Bolan Bank and Faysal Bank. Usually the customers look forward for low Markup rate, so these banks were giving low markup rates, but they were also charging the hidden charges. Saudi Pak Commercial Bank Car Financing Scheme: As the rising demand in the market, Saudi Pak Commercial Bank Limited start the car financing scheme in month of June. Down Payment Options: Saudi Pak Commercial Bank Limited gives the large variety of down payments. The range of down payments varies from 10% to 60% to original value of the car. Secondly the loan amortization schedule can vary between 12 months and five years time period. So you has the large variety of options to pay the installments according to your convenience. One of the most important and plus point of Saudi Pak Commercial Bank car financing scheme is that they offer the variety of cars which are available in the market such as: Toyota Honda Suzuki Hyundai Fiat Nissan Saudi Pak Commercial Bank Limited offers the free insurance to their customer Age Limit: The age limit to apply for car financing Scheme is between 21 and 50. this is only for individuals. Eligibility Basically Saudi Pak Commercial Bank divides its customer in three groups on the basis of probability of the consumer to pay back the installments within time Group A: Group A usually include the executive class or regular premium customer of the banks and well known organizations. In business class the customer who are including in Group A are working in the specific profession or kind of business from the last five years and their mostly income is at least Rs. 30,000/-. Instead of business class we also include the high authority Government servants in this class. Those whose scale is above eighteen. The people who are including in Group A usually get loan more easily because they are consider the most reliable customer. Group B: Group B includes the customer who are running the individual business and small organization and they are working in that field from the last two years. In that group usually includes the shopkeepers and small organization such as cable operator Group C: Group C is the group which we usually dont prefer to give the loan and the chances of recommendation of their loans are very low, usually customers who belongs to that group are businessman having income less than Twelve thousands and organization such as Rent A Car Services. Documentations: The following documents are required Application Form ID Card photo copy Bank Statements Three years proof of tax return Salary Slip ( For Salaried Person) Process: Step 1: Filling Application Form: The first step involve in applying for Car Financing Scheme is to fill the application form along with the documents mentioned above. Customer should fill the application form very carefully. They should mentioned right data about themselves, any wrong or incorrect data may reject the application form. Step 2: Approval of Application Form from the Branch: Second step is the approval of application form from the branch. Bank officer examine the application form. If the customer fulfill the requirements mentioned above bank accept the application and send this application to the head office for further approval. Step 3: Delivery of Car: If the head office find no objection in application form and eligibility criteria of car financing. They send approval letter to the bank. After the approval car delivered on the basis of availability of car in the showroom. If the customer financed the car on the market price basis than the bank deliver the car just after the approval otherwise on the availability. Deposits Department Deposit is the main functional unit of any commercial bank. It is the primary function of commercial bank. Main function of commercial bank is to get money from the customer and give some markup on that amount. Two types of deposits are offered by the Saudi Pak Commercial Bank. Call Deposits: These are payable on demand. They include current account, sundry deposit (e.g. margin account) and call deposit receipt. No profit is given on demand deposits. Time Deposit: Payable on demand with certain maturity. Attracts profit with respect to time. TYPE OF ACCOUNTS: Let us now turn to procedures to be followed in cases of each type of account. Individual Account: Such accounts may be classified and gentlemen Account of literate ladies and gentlemen. Account of illiterate ladies and gentlemen. Account of Parda observing ladies. Joint Account. Minor Account 1: In case of illiterate ladies and gents, the following precautions are observed in addition to those provided in the above guidelines. Two photographs are to be obtained. One to be pasted on account opening form and the other on specimen signature card Instead of signatures, left had thumb impression to be obtained on the specimen card from gents and right hand thumb impression from the ladies. Each time such customer should attend the bank personally and will put their thumb impression on the cheques before the passing officer. Such customers should be advised not to issue cheques payable to 3rd parties. Cheque should be marked â€Å"Payment in person† to ensure even if the cheque is presented through clearing that particular cheque can only be paid in person. 2: the problems arise particularly in case of parda observing ladies. Some serious complication are involved in this concern. As for as possible, they should be encouraged to open a joint account with their close family members. 3: when more than one person opens account but the relationship between them is neither of trustees nor partners, it would be termed as joint account. Whenever such account is opened, definite instructions regarding operations on the accounts and payment of balance in case of death of any one of them should be obtained. In absence of any instructions for the accounts operations, all the joint account holders should sign the cheques for withdrawal of amount from their accounts. Likewise, definite instructions must also be obtain for payment of balance in the account in the event of death of any of the joint account holders. For this purpose all the joint account holders are required to sign account opening form as well as either or survivorship declaration. In operation of joint accounts, following important points are required to be remembered: Any member of the joint account may lodge stop payment instruction of any cheque with the bank and the bank shall honor such instructions. However, all the members must sign removal of these instruction. The member of joint account may wish to delegate authority to any third person to operate upon the accounts. However such a mandate is necessarily to be signed by all the members. Any mandate, reference to which is given herein 2ne above, becomes automatically rescinded or cancelled when the bank come to know of death, insolvency or insanity of any of the members In case, any of the members of the joint account becomes insolvent or insane operation on the account should be stopped and instruction to be required for payment of the balance amount from the remaining solvent and same members. In case, any of the member of the joint account dies, operation on the account must be stopped and balance in account is to be paid as per instructions recorded with the bank. Accounts of Partnership Firm: While opening accounts of the partnership firm, the partnership deed from registered firms is required to be obtained in addition to account opening form and specimen signature card. The partnership letter is incorporated in the account opening form , which must also be signed by all the partners of the firm weather registered or un-registered. In these accounts, the following points are required to be remembered. For Example: The account opening form must be signed by all the partners. The names of persons authorized to operate the account must neatly and correctly given in the account opening form. For partnership concern carrying on the business under impersonal names, it is generally described that the title of account should show name of the partners of Managing Partners. CASH DEPARTMENT Two most important tasks of bank are performed in the cash department and they are Payments Receipts In Payments cheques are presented to the bank against which payment is made. In Receipts, money is deposited with the bank and the bank issues a receipt against it. PROCEDURE Step I Customer presents his cheque over the counter, the person receiving it checks whether it is Drawn on a particular branch Date is correctly written on the cheque it should be neither stale nor post-dated. Amounts in words figures match. Duly signed by the payee on the front and back of the cheque. Step II After going through step `1 the cheque is sent to another person who verifies the signatures of the customer with his/her signatures on `SS card. Step III The cheque is sent to another officer who checks the account to see whether the account has sufficient balance to meet the payment or not. If the amount is more than Rs.10,000 then the cheque is approved by two persons they are Department Incharge Operational Manager If the amount is more than Rs.1000000 then the cheque is authenticated by three person they are Department Incharge Operational Manager Chief Manager Crossed Cheque These cheques are stamped with payees account only. This cheque is not directly paid on the counter, rather the payment is made through account of the customer to the one whose name is mentioned on the cheque. SCHOOL COMPANY BILLS Fees and dues submitted by companies and schools are in the form of bills. All these bills are credited to the bank. POSITION SLIP Some companies school have been given overdrawn facility. This slip is attached to those cheques of those schools and companies when officer has a doubt about paying those cheques. This position slip is attached to these cheques to inform the manager about their current position situation. Then if chief manager approves it then the payment is made otherwise not. CHEQUE RETURNED MEMO If the cheque presented by customer is returned because of the reason that the account does not has the required balance then the customer has this facility that he can submit cheque returned memo. But this memo is given to him on his own request. INCIDENTAL CHARGES `CD account should have a minimum balance of Rs.10,000. If in the account during six months at any time the balance of account goes below Rs.10,000. Then incidental charges of Rs.200 are charged from the customer. RETURN OF A CHEQUE A cheque is returned to the customer if the account balance is less than the amount of money demanded. ISSUANCE OF BANK STATEMENT The bank statement shows the overall position of an account at a particular date. Bank statements are issued to customers as per their request. For this customer has to give his account number and specific period for which he wants to have this statement. CASH INSURANCE All the cash on the counter and in the locker is insured one of the most important responsibilities of cash department is to manage liquidity, but not to keep idle cash with it. Cash is kept according to branch requirement, which in Saudi Pak Commercial Bank MirPur is Rs.10,000,000. Amount of money exceeding it is sent to main branch which given interest on it. This interest is added to branchs profit. Here `2 to `3 million is sent to the head office. A large number of customers come to this department during working hours. Therefore staff should be cooperative and helpful. REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT â€Å"It is a process by which the amount of cash is transferred from one place to another either in or out of the city but not in the form of cash but through the involvement of two banks† Demand Draft: It is the request of one bank to other bank to pay a certain sum of money to or to the order of the person whose name is mentioned in DD. It is used for funds transferred outside the city. Telegraphic Transferred: It is also a request b one bank to another bank to pay a certain sum of money to or to the order of the certain person it is used for funds transferred out of city. Pay Order: It is a request which is made to the other bank to pay the amount of the person whose name is mentioned there. It is within the city. When the person has transfer funds to another person in the city or out of city then he comes to the bank and gives the application on the specified form called Remittance From. This form contains name of branch, date, bank branch name beneficiarys name, account number, bank branch name, city, mode of payment in which the payment is received by other option given for DD, TT, PLO or SBP cheque the particulars of the purchaser i.e sender and his address is also written. Then on the lower side a column for instruments number (which is to be issued, its amount and the rate is there. Then another column is for cost, telex changes, commission, postage, excise duty, with holding tax, and total is there and in the last applicants acknowledge is received. And the signatures of two authorized persons are there. After this an entry is made in the system and is authenticated by another person. After that for TT or DD advices is printed by the printer and with the form it is sent to the beneficiary bank and incase of pay order a specified form is for this purpose which is used and on this the print is made and is handled over to the customer and an advice is sent to the beneficiary bank and the customer can take money from that bank. The account of the beneficiarys banks is settled through entries in books with SBP. CLEARING It is process through which one may receive the amount of a cheque presented to the bank while the cheque is drawn on any other bank. Procedure: First of all in the morning the banks representative goes to the NIFT office andreceives the cheques which are drawn upon the branch but are presented in any other branch of the same bank of the same bank or any other bank. The main Branch receives cheques of other branches, which are in the Lahore City.Then in the branch, these cheques are sorted out on the basis of parties and the cheques of parties who are the credit arrangements, are sent to the Credit Deptt. for their confirmation or cancellation. But before sending to this, their signatures, amounts in words and figures are verified and dates are checked and the clearing stamps of the bank in which they were presented in seen and checked. The clearing stamps bears the date which is to come next date because the cheque are presents next day on the payee bank. In which these cheques are deposited and his signatures are seen there. Then the cheques which have no mistakes are entered in the system. The cheques which have an error i .e. , not having sufficient balance, post dated, out of date, or due to any other reason i.e. the sending or presenting bank may not properly present the cheques, the return slips are made for these cheques and on the slip, the main Branch name, Cheque #, and amount in works and figures in written. Then the entry in the return register is made and the signatures of the authorized persons are affixed on the register and on the return slip. In the register the reason of the cheque is also given and the slip contains number wise reason which are also marked like this (X) then the cheques which are sends Accounts department in the forms of supplies and the treatment with thee cheques is made here. The cheques, which are returned due to any reason, are returned to the presenting bank which returns these to the customers. Above is the procedure of cheques of main branch which are presented in other branches, now I come to the point where the cheques of other branches a presented in our branch. OUTWARD CLEARING: When one of our customers receives cheques of another bank or branch, but does not have any account in that branch. Then he deposits the cheque in his account through a credit slips and receiving the slip and cheques of other person, an entry in the system is made and stamps containing payees account only and clearing stamps bearing the next coming date is affixed on both the slip and on the cheques and, on the back the stamps of authorized person and his initials are made then all thee cheques are presented to another person for slip authenticated and verification it is because the error chances may be made minimum and at the time of closing the cheques are separated form the credit slips and, are attached with the photocopies of the cheques and are kept for banks records.And the cheques are handed over to the SBP through NIFT. And on the next daythe cheques go to their respective banks and if those banks are not satisfied then the cheques are come back and again are entered in the register on which, the bank in which these were drawn and these are presented is written and reason for their return is mentioned and are handed over to the customers by taking their signatures. INWARD CLEARING Signatures are necessary in case if less than 10000 one authentication less than 500,000 double by BOSS more than 500,000 third authentication which is by branch manager. The total of these cheques are entered in the suspense A/C debit the A/C of our customer the amount in the suspense A/C goes on reducing and at the end it shows the zero balance when the returned cheques are also dealt with the returned memos are made for cheques which are to be entered in the registered, date, name of presenting bank, cheques number, account number and amount is written and are signed by person memo is also signed and the total of those is made and the summary is made and these cheques are send to shift office with proper seal. When the inward clearing comes the SBP gives debit to our bank and when the cheques are returned dishonored a credit is given. The reverse is the case with outward clearing. Rs.250/- are received as charges on same day clearing and it is for the cheques of more than or equal to Rs.500,000/- and the cheque must be deposited before 10:00 am. Foreign Currency Department The department which makes the transactions of foreign currency and all related matters which are dealt in local currency. A form named as form M is used to maintain the record of the foreign currency dealt by this department because it is the requirement of SBP on monthly, quarterly, half yearly and on yearly basis. Here is a list of functions and -activities of the department; Functions: Foreign Currency Account Opening Government securities Issuance of Exchange Entry to Daily Exchange Rates Foreign Currency FDR/NDR/NDR-III Activities: Foreign Currency Account Opening: Checking of Documents before Account Opening Dispatching Letter of Thanks to Account Holders Dispatching Letter of Thanks to Introducer Issuance of FCY Cheque Book Recovering Provincial Tax on Cheque Book Issuance Account Closing Government Securities: Issuance: Special U.S. Dollar Bonds Receiving Application Verifying Signature and Checking Balance To Debit the Account Stock Out Entry in Stock Register Preparation of Balance Certificates Delivery to Customer after Affixing Required Stamps Sending Sale Statement to SBP through Karachi Branch Encashment: Special Original Instrument Checking of Instrument Affixing Encashment Stamps Preparing Debit Cash Voucher for Payment to Customer Making Payment from Suspense Account Reversing Suspense Account on Receiving Credit from SBP Issuing Encashment Certificates FEBCs (Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificate): Receiving Original Instrument Checking of Instrument Affixing Encashment Stamps Preparation of Debit Cash Voucher for Payment Making Payment from Suspense Account Deducting Challan Forms Surrendering Tax to SBP Preparing Encashment Reports Reversal of Suspense Entry on Receiving Credit from SBP Issuance of Encashemnt Certificate FCBCs (Foreign Currency Bearer Certificates): Same Steps followed as described above. Special U.S. Dollar Bonds: Preparation of Profit Coupon Affixing Stamps required by SBP Payment of Debit Cash Voucher Preparation of Profit Certificate for SBP Preparation of Profit Payment Report Reversal of Suspense Account on Receiving Credit from SBP Foreign Currency Bearer Certificates: Same Procedure followed as described Supply of Stock: Supply of Stock to Branches Supply of Profit Coupon Books to Branches Foreign Exchange Issuance: Checking of Documents Making Photocopies of ID Card, Ticket Passport Affixing Stamps on Ticket and Passport Obtaining Signature of Customer on TCs Receiving Payment to Debit the Account Delivery to Customer Entry in Stock-out Register Reversing Contra Liability Foreign Currency FDR/NDR/NDRP-III Encashment of FDR/NDR/NDRP-III Quarterly Payment of Profit on NDRP-III CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARMENT Customer services department is the department which keeps the customer needs fulfilled. Because the customers may feel problems in doing transactions with bank. So the customer service people keeps them aware of the customer needs.Two special posts of CRM and CRO are there and they all time ready to serve the people who come to bank. Personal Bankers are also there who ready to free the customers from their problems.CRM and CRO provides the people facility to know their account balances and to know the comments of the people about the performance of other departments. Special comment forms are used to know the views of the people about the performance of various personals of other departments. Another comment form is used to check the time which is spent on the encashment of a cheque through the cash department. The time starts when the token is received by the customer and ends when the payment is received. Daily 10 such forms are prepared and sent to management to know the efficiency of cash department people. Arrangements are made regarding the availability of written and printed material to the people who come in the bank. Daily reports of the accounts opened with the branch is made and is delivered to branch manager and efforts are made to increase the balance. Frequent meetings are held with Branch Manager to take fresh instructions and to get feed back to the management about the performance of personal bankers. For the service of people there is free offer of local phone calls to the customers. And their problems regarding their balances, Cheque Books, various documents and such other matters. In order to further reinforce our commitment towards priority service to our customers we have decided on the following: CREATION OF A PRIORITY BANKING AREA: The area currently occupied by the CRM, Account opening and personal bankers will be designated as the â€Å"Priority Banking Area†.CRM, Account opening and one priority banker will occupy this area. The Priority Banking Area will be exclusively for Priority Customers who not only hold a substantial amount in terms of deposit with the bank but also demand individual attention. PURPOSE OF PRIORITY BANKING: The basic purpose of priority banking is to provide a valued customer with a pleasant atmosphere in which all his banking requirements are met in the shortest time span possible. WHO IS A PRIORITY CUSTOMER? Individuals who retain an average deposit of 0.5M or above qualify as being a priority customer. However department Heads of various companies who have their corporate accounts with us also qualify. LEVEL OF SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED: As the name depicts the utmost level of priority is to be provided to priority cases. The code for Priority Customers is â€Å"PC† and its notification should ensure the highest level of priority, no matter which department it involves. ROLE OF BOSS, CRM CRO: Initially the CRM along with the Priority Banker are responsible for providing the priority customer with quality service. If another department is involved the Priority Banker will inform the head of the department or Boss with the status of the customer and what is needed. Whoever it is will then help and try to complete the process in the least possible time. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PRIORITY BANKER: Being on the look out for priority customers who enter. Approaching a customer and being the first to initiate a conversation by inquiring about his reason of visit. Handling of Priority Calls. Entertaining the customer with drinks while his visit. Assisting the CRM in his tasks of customer services. Providing the customer with all relevant information regarding his status with the bank. Making sure the Priority Area is clean at all times. Giving each and every customer individual attention. Maintaining a register of all complaints and reporting them to the Branch Manager. Providing the customer with several kinds of reading material to pass his time. Informing a personal banker if a specific client wants to meet him. GENERAL CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS Always be courteous to the customer. Imagine yourself in the customers position and then start to service him the way you would want to be. Give full attention to the person sitting across your table. Do not engage in personal conversation over the phone or with another staff member while dealing with a customer. The job at hand must be dealt with utmost efficiency. If the need to leave a customer arises, explain to him why and return as soon as possible. Atleast one staff member should be present in all the departments at all times, even during lunch hour to accommodate a customer. Talking to a customer or staff member in a loud tone is to be avoided at all costs. If a certain staff member is to be called calling him out loud should be avoided, instead calling at his or at a nearby extension should be done. Be sure of what you are saying. Make sure that you know what you can and what you cant do for a customer. Stick by the commitments you have made to a customer. Give the customer a magazine or newspaper to kill time while he is waiting. Make sure that the customer knows that his work is being taken seriously. Is there such thing as complete synonymy? Is there such thing as complete synonymy? Complete synonymy is rare, and absolute synonymy hardly exists. Lyons (1981:148). Fromkin et al. (2003: 181) state that no two words ever have exactly the same meaning.. These quotations seem odd and unfamiliar to many people in general and I in particular. It is conventionally known that there are many synonyms in the lexicon sharing the same meaning. If a teacher asks one of his students what the opposite of the adjective big is, the student, based on his previous knowledge, will directly answers large. Languages in general- as to speak- have many synonyms, particularly the English language. It is rich in many examples such as plentiful and rich, pretty and attractive, combine and mix, student and pupil, sick and ill, happiness and joy and many others, just to name a few. These words share the same denotation- literal meaning which makes them synonyms and can be used as substitutes for each others to avoid repetition in writing and speaking. As to the complexity of meaning, a perso n looking for replacing a word with another word must choose a precise and accurate synonym. In this regard, many semanticists have presented studies on synonymy from different perspectives. Thus, there is a consensus regarding the difficulty of finding two perfect, absolute or complete words sharing the same synonymy. Semanticists have attacked the translation of words in two different languages as these words cannot mean exactly the same because of the different linguistic and social contexts they occur. But what about two synonyms in the same language?. The rarity or impossibility of perfect synonymy can clearly be discussed through the definition of synonymy, types- scale of synonymy and conditions of perfect synonymy, substitution tests and reasons of rarity. Defining synonymy is a difficult process. Maja, (2009) has argued that when it comes to giving a clear, precise and correct definition of synonymy, many difficulties arise. There are many approaches with many definitions of synonymy and types of synonyms because there are different ways in which synonyms may differ. Maja, (2009) has defined synonymy as the phenomenon of two or more different linguistic forms with the same meaning. Those linguistic forms are called synonyms, e.g. danger and risk can be substituted with one another in certain contexts. Synonymy in semantics is an inter-lexical sense relation. Synonymy is sameness of meaning (Palmer F. R. 1996:88, Lyons John 1996:60). Fromkin et al. (2003:181) has stated that: there are words that sound different but have the same or nearly the same meaning, such words are called synonyms.. John (1995) has also presented a definition indicating that expressions with the same meaning are synonyms. Two important points should be noted abo ut the definition. Firstly, it does not restrict relation of synonymy to lexemes; it allows for the possibility that lexically simple expressions may have the same meaning as lexically complex expressions. Secondly, it makes identity, not merely similarity, of meaning the criterion of synonymy. It is noteworthy that all linguists and semanticists such as Palmer, Lyons and Fromkin agree that synonymy means two words with the same meaning. I completely agree with these definitions from the perspective of sameness. However, I feel that such synonyms may resemble in meaning but they would differ in formality, style, or of some other aspects of connotations. All in all, the definition of synonymy is still a controversial subject among semanticists and difficult to find a specific definition for synonymy. The scale of synonymy is important for all to figure out the relationship between two synonyms. Cruse (2000:157) claims that a scale of synonymy can be established. The scale consists of absolute synonymy, cognitive synonymy and near-synonymy. First, absolute synonymy is set as the complete identity of all meanings of two or more lexemes in all contexts. However, it is unnatural for a language to have absolute synonyms, or lexemes with exactly the same meaning. It is generally accepted that absolute synonymy is impossible or non-existent. It is regarded only as a referential point on the alleged scale of synonymy or the initial criterion for the defining of synonymy (Cruse, 2000, 157). Second, as there are no two lexemes with absolutely the same meaning and no real synonyms, cognitive synonymy is what most semanticists would regard as synonymy. Lyons (1996:63) claims that many theories of semantics would restrict the notion of synonymy to what he calls descriptive or cognitive synony my, which is the identity of descriptive meaning. Third, near-synonyms are lexemes whose meaning is relatively close or more or less similar (mist/fog, stream/brook, dive/plunge). However, the given definition of near-synonymy is vague, because there isnt a precise correlation between synonymy and semantic similarity. Near-synonymy is associated with overlapping of meaning and senses. The senses of near-synonyms overlap to a great degree, but not completely (Murphy, 2003, 155). Moreover, unlike cognitive synonyms, near-synonyms can contrast in certain contexts: He was killed, but I can assure you he was NOT murdered, madam (Cruse, 2000, 159). Near-synonymy is regularly found in dictionaries of synonyms or thesauri where most of the terms listed under a single dictionary entry are not considered to be cognitive synonyms (e.g. govern direct, control, determine, require). The scale presented by Cruse is the most general. There are also other views. Lyons (1981:148) claims that there are absolute synonymy, complete synonymy, descriptive synonymy and near-synonymy. Noticeably, there is a new type compared to Cruse. According to Lyons (1981), complete synonyms must have the identity of all descriptive, social and expressive meaning in all contexts. Since most lexemes are polysemous- have different senses in different contexts, Murphy (2004:146) introduces logical synonyms- which include full synonyms and sense synonyms and near-synonyms. Denotationally equivalent words, whose all senses are identical such as (toilet/john), are called full synonyms, whereas sense synonyms share one or more senses, but differ in others, i.e. they have at least one identical sense (sofa/couch). Near-synonyms, as words with similar senses, are context-dependent. Cognitive synonyms are arguably what Murphy (2003) regards as sense synonyms. At last, there are many types of syn onyms proposed by linguists and semanticists regarding the types of synonymy. By now, it is almost true that absolute synonymy is extremely rare- at least a relation between lexemes- in natural languages. According to John (1995), two or more expressions are perfectly or absolutely anonymous if, and only if, they satisfy three conditions. First, all their meanings are identical. In other words, standard dictionaries of English treat the adjectives big and large as polysemous. For instance, they live in a big/large house. The two words would generally be regarded as synonymous. However, it is easy to show that these adjectives are not synonymous in all their meanings: i.e., that they fail to satisfy condition (1) and so are only partially, not absolutely or perfectly. I will tell my big sister is lexically ambiguous, by virtue of big; in a way that I will tell my large sister is not. All three sentences are well-formed and interpretable. They show that big has at least one meaning which it does not share with large. Second, they are synonymous in all contexts. The main issue here is what we call collocations- a set of contexts where an expression can occur. It might be thought that the collocational range of an expression is wholly determined by its meaning, so that synonyms must of necessity have the same collocational range. But this does not seem to be so. For example, big and large can be used as a good example. There are many contexts in which big cannot be substituted for large (in the meaning which big shares with large) without violating the collocational restrictions of the one or the other. For example, large is not interchangeable with big in: you are making a big mistake. The sentence you are making a large mistake is not only grammatically well-formed, but also meaningful. It is however collocationally unacceptable or unidiomatic. And yet big seems to have the same meaning in you are making a big mistake as it does in phrases such as a big house, for which we could, as we have seen, substitute a large house. It is attempting to argue, in cases like this, that there must be some subtle difference of lexical meaning which accounts for the collocational differences, such that it is not synonymy, but near-synonymy, that is involved. Third, they are semantically equivalent i.e., their meaning or meanings are identical on all dimensions of meaning, descriptive and non-descriptive. The most widely recognized dimension of meaning that is relevant to this condition is descriptive or propositional meaning. I think it is sufficient to say that two expressions have the same descriptive meaning if propositions containing the one necessarily imply otherwise identical propositions containing the other, and vice versa. By this criterion, big and large are descriptively synonymous (in one of their meanings and over a certain range of contexts). For instance, one cannot assert that someone lives in a big house and deny that they live in a large house. Another example is between the words bachelor and unma rried. Some people deny that these two expressions are descriptively synonymous on the grounds that a divorced man who is not married is not a bachelor. As for expressive or socio-expressive meaning, in order to determine that two or more descriptively synonymous expressions differ in respect of the degree or nature of their expressive meaning, it is obvious that a whole set of words including huge, enormous, gigantic and colossal are more expressive of their speakers feelings towards what they are describing than very big or very large, with which they are perhaps descriptively synonymous. It is difficult to compare huge, enormous, gigantic and colossal in terms of their degree of expressivity. But speakers may have clear intuitions about two or more of them. In the end, such conditions must be used to identify whether the two lexemes are synonyms or not and the three conditions have proved that perfect synonyms are not available in any language. Palmer (1981) differentiates between synonyms in terms of dialects, styles, emotive and evaluative values, collocational constraints and overlap of meanings of words. First, some synonyms go with different dialects of the language. For instance, the word movie is used in the United States and film is used in Britain. Second, some synonyms are used in different styles based on formality; colloquial, formal. For instance, depart (formal), go (informal). Third, some words differ only in their emotive or evaluative values but their cognitive meaning is the same. For instance, hide, conceal. Fourth, some words are subject to collocational restraints, i.e. they occur only with specific words. For instance, rancid occurs with butter, addled with eggs. Fifth, the meanings of some words overlap. For instance, mature, adult, ripe. If we take each of these words, we will have a larger set of synonyms. Palmer suggests a substitution test for judging whether two linguistic items are synonyms or n ot. Because perfect synonyms are mutually interchangeable in all contexts, it is rare to find perfect synonyms in a specific language. Anonyms are another way of testing synonymy. For instance, superficial is the opposite of deep and profound, while shallow is the opposite of deep only. Briefly, the true test of synonymy is substitutability: the ability of two words to be substituted for one another without a change in meaning. For instance, the example below contains the verb assist. The research assistant was available to assist patients completing the survey. If help is a synonym of assist, then it should be able to be substituted for assist in the above example without a change in meaning: The research assistant was available to help patients completing the survey. Help and assist can be considered as absolute synonyms, because the two sentences are identical in meaning, at least in the above contexts. Linguists and semanticists have extensively studied synonymy. Consequently, many reasons have been suggested regarding the impossibility of finding perfect synonyms. Firstly, Maja (2009) argued that the function or use of one of the two lexemes would gradually become unnecessary or unmotivated and, as a result, it would soon be abandoned or dropped. Secondly, their interchangeability in all the contexts can neither be demonstrated nor proved, for, on one hand, the number of contexts is infinite, and, on the other hand, the exceptions from absolute interchangeability are inevitable. Therefore, the lexicons of natural languages do not have absolute synonymy. Thirdly, Edmonds and Hirst (2002) also argued that if words were truly synonymous, they would need to be able to be substituted one for the other in any context in which their common sense is denoted with no change to truth value, communicative effect, or à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“meaningà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢. Fourt hly, each linguistic form is polysemous so that it is difficult to two lexemes sharing whose all meanings are identical in all contexts. In conclusion, there is a consensus among linguists and semanticists about the impossibility of finding two perfect linguistic forms in any language. They have attributed the impossibility to many reasons. Some semanticists tried to simplify the matter of types of synonymy by classifying synonyms based on their own perspectives. Therefore, there are many types suggested by them so that it is difficult to find a specific definition set by them. All studies conducted on synonymy have proved that no perfect synonyms are found in a language.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How Ego Threat Can Effect Self-Regulation Essay -- Psychology

The concept of self-regulation, by the average individual may be thought of more in the terms of impulse control. Every individual faces the daily challenge of controlling one’s impulses in response to a multitude of different social situations, such as at work, in the classroom, or in the privacy of one’s own home. Self-regulation is a process that many individuals may not be aware that they employ the use of in everyday social situations. However, self-regulation is not only used to regulate one’s response to situations, but also may influence whether or not one enters into various situations (Baumeister, Heatherton & Tice, 1993). A common situation where the use of self-regulation may be employed would be in the presence of an ego-threatening situation. The term ego threat is defined as any event or communication having unfavorable implications about the self (Baumeister, Heatherton & Tice, 1993). In other words, an event, which could be interpreted as a poss ible ego threat would be any event from which the individual may experience an end result of unfavorable tangible, emotional, or psychological consequences. A study conducted in 1993 by Roy F. Baumeister, Todd F. Heatherton, and Dianne M. Tice focused on events in which ego threats lead to self-regulation failure and examined the negative consequences for individuals with high self-esteem. For the purpose of this paper, I am not concerned specifically with the self-regulation failure consequences for individuals with high self-esteem per se, but more focused on how the findings can be related to how ego threat can affect self-regulation as an entity. The results of Experiment 1 in this study concluded that high self-esteem individuals experience self-regulation failure w... ...1993, the self-regulation failure is evident through the loss of focus on other assignments. Based on the evidence for self-regulation depletion in the 1998 study, the self-regulation depletion is evident through the decrease of the ability to successfully manage one’s emotions. The results of the two studies combined provide supporting evidence for self-regulation failure and self-regulation depletion as well as a better understanding of the Self. Works Cited Baumeister, R. F., Heatherton, T. F., & Tice, D. M. (1993). When ego threats lead to self- regulation failure: negative consequences of high self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64(1), 141-156. Muraven M., Tice, D. M., & Baumeister, R. F. (1998). Self-control as a limited resource: regulatory depletion patterns. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(1), 774-789.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Masque o the Red Death Essay -- essays research papers

Edgar Allen Poe's The Masque of the Red Death is an elaborate allegory/microcosm that combines objects in the story with visual descriptions to give focus to the reader's imagination. In the story, a prince named Prospero tries to dodge the Red Death through isolation and seclusion. He hides behind seemingly impenetrable walls of his castellated abbey and lets the world take care of its own. However, no walls can stop death because it is inescapable and inevitable. Visual descriptions in the story are used to symbolize death. Poe's use of language and symbolism is shown in his description of the seventh room in the suite, the ebony clock, and the fire. The first symbolic mean of death is depicted in the seventh room in the suite. Poe says, "The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue". He uses the seventh room to symbolize the final stage of life, death. He sees the black velvet tapestries as blood flowing from the ceiling and walls to the floor. The relationship between blood and death is important because he wants the reader to have a visual image of the blood pouring down the walls as a form of death. The fire lighting the suite of rooms is another object in the story that represented death. He says, "...There stood, opposit...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Chapter 29: Harvey comes and talks about how his brother William broke his arm and how the baggage got lost in a town above here. The king is trying to take the blame off himself by saying what a coincidence it was that both of those things happened to him before he arrived here. A lot of people were on the side of the King instead of the real people. Some people were against the king in which includes the doctor of course and a lawyer named Levi Bell. The lawyer attempts to question him about himself and how he arrived to the town and all that stuff. The Doctor goes in his defense and says that if these two aren’t frauds, he the doctor himself is an idiot. They will bring the King and the Dauphin to the real couple and see what is going on. They go to a hotel with the new couple. The doctor accuses them of being frauds that have complices or assistants that they do not know about. He states that if there were complices, then the fakes would have gotten away with the bad of mo ney that Peter Wilks left. Now the king tells the story of how he had the money that the niece (Mary) gave to her to invest and hid it under the bed and follows what Huck tells him and says that the niggers stole and got away with it. One person questions Huck about the money and he tells exactly what he told the King that the niggers stole the money and he didn’t witness it happen or run away from the room. Now the lawyer is testing for handwriting and signatures to determine more evidence. After the two couples have written the two lines and signed it, the lawyer compared and the guilty victims were very obvious. Now the king is still defending himself saying it wasn’t a fair test and saying that the Duke is playing a joke about the handwriting. Now he gets... ...e run to freedom. The letter he writes it that Jim is down here two mile below Pikesville and Mr Phelps got him and will sell him for the reward. Huck then thinks about all the good times he had with Jim and how he was Jim’s only friend. Now Huck wants to get Jim out of slavery. Huck gathers a canoe and rides until he found a mill with the sigh â€Å"Phelps sawmill† Huck sinks the canoe to where can find it again. He then sees the duke holding up the bill for the Royal Noneuch-3 night performance- like that other time. Soon later Huck finds out that the raft is gone. His only property and Jim gets sold and the money is not split with the Duke. As long as Huck doesn’t blow, the Duke would tell him where to find Jim. And he was about to give him real information but he changes his mind and tells him to walk 40 miles in 3 days to a man named Abram Foster. Huck must go NOW.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Introduction for a Chemistry Essay

The average University student has many tasks to accomplish and much studying to do while combating the onslaught of sleep. Students at the University of the West Indies Mona are no different and recommended amongst themselves a highly rated and popular health supplement â€Å"Yeast-Vite† [8]. Yeast-Vite is a health supplement pill which helps people fight fatigue and improve alertness. The active ingredients in Yeast-Vite are caffeine, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3. The other ingredients are: dried yeast, lactose, powdered cloves, colouring E124, E104, E132, colloidal anhydrous silica, maize starch, and microcrystalline cellulose. [1] Yeast-Vite is a good energy supplier when taken according to the directions. The Manufacturer recommends taking 12 pills in a day [1] to eliminate fatigue and improve concentration. The â€Å"alert† effect can be attributed to Caffeine, a major compound that has been proven to stimulate the central nervous system, heart, muscles, and blood pressure control centres [2]. Each pill contains 50mg of Caffeine according to the label created by the manufacturer. The following structure represents that of caffeine. Though effective, research has shown that the intake of more than 300mg of Caffeine on a daily basis is harmful to the body. Symptoms such as caffeinism, insomnia, irritability, palpitations, Nervous symptoms, upset stomach etc. are experienced and consuming more than 500mg may cause death.[3] Theoretically, the recommended dosage of Yeast-Vite tablets daily can create such harm, since the suggested daily dosage of up to 12 tablets[1] adds up to 600mg –if caffeine content of 50mg per tablet holds true. A problem exists. The recommended daily dosage of Yeast-Vite contained too much caffeine for the human body. It was hypothesized that the caffeine concentration in Yeast-Vite pills could cause negative health effects and that the manufacturer’s idea of the caffeine content may be inaccurate. Three analytical chemistry students decided to test the hypothesis, and over a four week period, conducted the determination of the caffeine content of Yeast-Vite pills using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The researchers expected the actual caffeine content of pills to be 10mg more/less than 50mg of caffeine and also that Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 could cause significant interference. The analysis was conducted entirely as a group by dissolving pills in water, preparing calibration standards, and determining the concentration of caffeine in the pills via external calibration and standard addition (single spike). High performance liquid chromatography was chosen as the analytical method because caffeine did not fit the criteria for analysis by Gas Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy i.e. caffeine’s volatility was negligible and it had no metal ions.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Example Lay Out of School Paper Essay

It has been 5 years since the School of Education (SOE) tasted the sweetness of pride wearing the crown of Miss WVSU-LC. And now Miss Rita Marie Penado got it again for the SOE last September 21, 2012 when she outshined the three other competitors from the three departments/school. Miss Penado, a first timer for the pageant will represent the campus to Miss WVSU 2013 during the University Week Celebration scheduled on January 2013 at Main Campus Lapaz Iloilo City. During the local pageant, Penado received minor awards on Miss Photogenic, Most Popularity, Best in Talent, and Best in Interview. Mr. James Paren of BSED-IV escorted Miss Penado to the contest and consequently won the title of First Runner Up with special awards on Best in Talent and Mr. Popularity. Representative from the School of Technology Mr. Ricky Javana was crowned Mr. WVSU-LC 2012 with the following minor awards: Mr. Photogenic, Best in Formal Wear, and Best in Interview. Other contenders were Miss Jessa Horlador from the School of Technology, First Runner Up; Miss Beverly Lubas and Mr. Mark Anthony Espadon from the School of Criminology, Second Runner Up; and Mr. Raymond John Tiu and Miss Jerelyn Lomitillo from the School of Management, Third Runner Up. Hinampang 2012 By: April Lyn Geti-ayon Christine Joy Vallejo West Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus extended their annual University Hinampang last September 13-15, 2012. The activity was participated by the schools which are segregated into four energetic and competing Units; Unit 1-Torch (school of education), Unit 2-Pheonix (school of Technology), Unit 3-Eagles (school of Criminology) and Unit 4-Lions (school of management). This three days celebration had started with the parade of the faculty and staff and the different schools, organizations,  and clubs. The opening program was highlighted with the cheer dance competition sponsored by the cultural affairs wherein the Unit 4-Lions (school of Management) bagged the trophy of championship for the year’s cheer dance competition. Hinampang 2012 activity aims to intensify the hidden skills, talents and abilities of every student as well as to strengthen their good sportsmanship among other students. Editorial†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ K12: for Globalization By: Hazel Hablador After considering various proposals, K12 Program finally took its step towards globalization. Officially, the implementation of this program had started this School Year 2012-2013. Despite of the shortcomings such as lack of school facilities, classrooms, and teachers, the government believes that Philippine Education needs this program in order to decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum and provide better quality education for all which is the demand in the global market. The model that is currently proposed by the Dep-Ed is the K-6-4-2 Model. This model embroils Kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years junior high school (grades 7-10), and two years senior high school (grades 11-12). The two years senior high school anticipates running time for students to consolidate acquired academic skills competencies. With the help of k12, we can show the world that we can compete globally. Upshot to this are accelerated economic growth, mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries and positive overall impact on society. This is the best step that the government had imposed for the betterment of all. Let us always remember that whatever changes that may happen in the education system of our country, it is still part of our learning. We just need to follow and widen our fruitage of knowledge so that whatever zigzag road we may take, at the end, the road we have taken is still peaceful and bountiful. This is the change that will bring us to a new life and will make us competent to other countries. The BSED III Jefhrey Canopin Janine Marie Pama Marven Losaria April Lyn Geti-ayon Harold Quimba Christine Joy Vallejo Hazel Hablador April Lasangre Anthea Lebanan Richen Lindres Krizzan Jade Jumilla Jenalyn Gonzaga Mhay Lauron April Rose Lindong Anna Rose Soler Essays†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The Joy of Triumph (A simple Talk to a Queen) By: Jenalyn Gonzaga and April Rose Lindong It was early in the morning of October 5, 2012 when I was walking along the corridor to attend the World’s Teachers’ Day; I met the reigning queen of WVSU-LC 2012. In a far distance I spotted the exotic beauty of Rita Marie Penado so I turned my way just to meet her. The crowned queen was very approachable and kind hearted so I invited her for a short chat. â€Å"Hello Miss Rita can I ask you a favor?† â€Å"Yes what is it?† â€Å"I just want to ask you about the pageant†. â€Å"What did you feel w2hen you were crowned as Miss WVSU-LC?† Rita replied with a sweet smile on her face â€Å"well, when I was crowned as Miss WVSU-LC 2012, I couldn’t exactly explain what my feeling was. It was unexplainable happiness. My tears run down my eyes; tears of joy. Likewise, I felt proud of my school. I didn’t expect of winning the crown but I did. It’s because I trust God. â€Å"Wow that’s great! â€Å"What are your preparations before the grand pageant?† â€Å"Actually, I’m not prepared like the other candidates. All I did was set my mind for the pageant, a little bit of practice and pray for God’s guidance during the pageant. That’s all, nothing less, nothing more.† â€Å"Really? What do you feel when you are walking on stage?† â€Å"Definitely, I was  nervous, so nervous that I couldn’t stand nor looked straight to the judges as well as the audiences. I imagined a crowd was looking at me. Oh My Gosh! That was my first time to join a pageant. I thought of stepping back, but never did me. The worst about it was I’m not even expecting to win the crown.† Rita told me with open heart. To be continued on page ..4 AGONY OF DEFEAT By: Richen Lindres and Anthea Lebanan After such tremendous victory winning the cheerdance competition it is surprising to say the least. Suddenly we are presented with a series of failure that stands and striking contrast for the wonderful victorious of the past two years. How instructive this if we only have the ears to listen to the message of this: â€Å"the thrill of victory was so quickly replaced by the agony of defeat†. This is the story of defeat. This the story of life and something we must learn to deal within our daily walk. One minute, we can be living in victory and next is defeat. The whistle blew. It was all over. The long practices and hard game, all the running and training, all the tough and shooting, all the pasta parties and toilet papering, everything. Over, ended, done. Why? Because the whistle had one team run off the field for joy and excitement, the other walked off in utter disappointment . as one side cheered, the other cried. The opposing team had left, the crowds had cleared, but our team just sat at our bench, looking, staring, and glaring at the empty field; mud patches and torn up grass everywhere. Poster everywhere, some hug high on the windows and some still sturdy on walls while others hung by a thread , others were just thrown to the ground by one-lookers and still more hung on fences wishing, wanting, hoping, for nothing but for the best of the team. Everyone stood, sat, laid looking at the field in amazing filled with disappointment, anger and sadness all the same time, trying to comprehend how everything they had worked so hard for had come to an end so quickly. Put to an end by the blow of the whistle. Thinking back to all the perfect opportunities..missed, all the unlucky touches or unconnected passed wondering what would have happened  if one thing had been done differently. Tears, hugs, words, it was all enough; it all meant nothing. It wasn’t supposed to end like this, and yet, with the final whistle, it did. Everyone now is experiencing the agony of defeat. Some days when they are sitting in class, staring out the window, at the field, they remember, they wonder, they wish, they push it out of their minds, still experiencing the agony of defeat. Sports†¦and others†¦. EAGLES BEATS THE TORCHES By: Janine Marie Pama and Ana Rose Soler Joy of triumph†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. â€Å"So will you kindly share to us some beauty tips in order to maintain our beauty and body.† â€Å"hahahaha† Rita gave a short laugh. â€Å" to tell you frankly, I never expected that question. Well, to maintain your beauty and body; simply relax, eat moderately with healthy foods, be stress free and most of all smile, all out smile and the world will smile at you.† â€Å"Thanks Rita. It was a pleasure to have a talk with you. Rita just gave a big â€Å"hahahahahahahahhaha† We exchanged laughter together. It was a great moment for me to have a chat with the reigning queen. Despite of the rain and muddy field, Eagles (School of Criminology) made it to the top when they smashed down the Torches (School of Education) during the championship game of football women last September 15, 2012. The Eagles beat down the torches with the score of 1-0 on the first half. Another ball was made to goal on the second half score of Eagles. The game ended with the tally of 2-0. Lions Roared and Crushed the Eagles By: Harold Quimba and April Lasangre On the hotness of the game, the management lions made it to the champ and whitewashed the Criminology Eagles during the University Hinampang, championship game Volleyball boys held September 15,2012. The ball spin and hit down the players of the Eagles as the Lions made the crushing spikes on  the first quarter. Another winning score had made the game hotter as they tally tie on the middle of the game. The last quarter had ended scored to the lions-23-25. Experience of an aspiring teacher†¦ By: Mhay L. Lauron Ambition is part and parcel of everyone’s life. It serves as a guiding star that lights our way to triumph. I never expected to be future teacher someday, but as time passes by, the feeling of being a future educator someday had eventually embraced me†¦ I grew up in a poor family, my father was a farmer and we are 10 in the family. I know the situation that we have during that time. I was the youngest but still the faith that I have in my heart is to help my parents in return of their sacrifices that they had. It is the farthest school which is 12- 14 kilometers walking distance from our house. For me this was only a start of my life. The next level of my life in school was totally a great sacrifice. It is now my college life. There are times in that I am about to cry because the boredom and longing for my family. I had to be strong and forget the loneliness; instead I focused on my studies. As an aspiring teacher, I worked hard for it. All my pains and sacrifices resulted in a reward. This is now the time that 6months from now I am about to graduate in this university. West Visayas State University- Lambunao Campus. I guess there’s always a first time for everything no matter how old we are. For the last semester a series of â€Å"First† followed: * This was my first to handle a class with heterogeneous pupils. * First time to experience a pupil that urinated and eliminated his waste while the class was going on. * First time to have a pupil who goes home in tears without any reason at all. * Lastly , I had for the first time a parent scolded me for making her child upset because I scolded him for being absent in my class and teasing his other classmates to make noise inside the classroom. Based on my own experiences, I learned a lot of things after the OJT and it really transforms me to a new creature. Well I guess this was the most essential part of being an aspiring teacher. To explore  and to adjust what is going on in our new environment. That is a specialty of a teacher that no one could ever had. Lastly, I would say that poverty is not an obstacle to higher education but a mere challenge to fight for a professional survival and achieve your dreams in your most noble way